Sunday, March 16, 2008

What cuts of pork work best?

I would like to open up a discussion regarding what the best cuts of pork are for making pulled pork. I have always gone with the pork butt (the top of shoulder) because it is the right amount of fat to keep the pork moist and tender throughout the long cooking process. However, I have also seen recipes that use pork loin or other less fatty cuts. I would be interested to know if anyone has been able to keep their pulled pork tender despite not having a lot of fat to work with.

My main concern would be that the meat would become very dry or tough unless some other source of fat was introduced. This is the main reason why I haven't tried to make pulled chicken yet. My best guess would be that dark meat chicken with the skin on might have enough fat to keep the chicken moist and tender throughout the cooking process.

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