Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sharing the Wealth

I never thought I would be so excited and nervous about bringing in some of my "peanut bombs" into the office. I would probably still be in some sort of food coma had I kept them around the house and ate them all. I chopped them in halves and put them in a plastic container. On the way to work I schemed about when to put them out. I figured right around 11 would be perfect because most people are starting to think about lunch around then. However, when I came in, my group descended on me so I wound up putting them out at about 9:30 instead. Around 10:45 I put what was left (about half) back in the fridge and then put them back out a 12:30. Sure enough, they were all gone by about 2 pm.

It's much more satisfying to know that other people have enjoyed what you have prepared than if you just eat it yourself. Given that you have already invested some time and money into your meal you will probably eat anyway even if it isn't your best because of the effort you put into it. When other people eat, and enjoy what you have prepared it really means you made something good that an unbiased party deemed worthy of eating. It seems like lunch time makes the most sense for putting things out though. Or at least wait until 11. Some people may be ready to eat at 9, but I usually don't start thinking about my next meal until 1130 or so.


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh how I wish you were in my office or lived next door! Peanut bombs sound AMAZING!

Jared said...


If I can make these so can you. Then you can be the hit of your office or neighborhood.

thanks for reading


Nicole said...

Oh I used to love bringing food to the office. Once or twice, I even brought in a whole meal (to a small office). And I agree. Seeing the appreciation of others is half of the joy of cooking!

Jared said...


Couldn't agree with you more. My office has about 50 so a little too big to bring a whole meal unfortunately, but I like to bring in snacks and everyone seems to enjoy and it definitely is satisfying to make something that others enjoyed.